Kathleen Coupland the coordinator of the Masters of Geomatics for Environmental Management Program (MGEM), a Postdoctoral Research fellow in the Faculty of Forestry and a professional forester in the B.C. Her current research is looking at how the areas around mining operations could using the surrounding forests for carbon sequestration projects and see if they could be mutually beneficial for local communities and biodiversity.
Kathleen obtained her PhD from UBC Forestry where she examined how hyper-local urban forests could be utilized for the teaching of rural forestry teaching and learning objectives. This study was an exploratory, mixed-methods case-study that not only developed a novel way to classify urban forests, it also looks at the intersection of forestry student learning expectations and instructional barriers.
In her spare time, Kathleen can often be found walking her dog, Cedar, or thinking about food and planning her next elaborate cooking adventure.